Dr. Katerina Christofidou

Dr. Katerina Christofidou

Katerina (Kathy) Christofidou is Professor in Digital and Sustainable Metallurgy at the University of Sheffield, where she also leads the Advanced Metals Processing research area for the Henry Royce Institute, the UK’s National Institute for Advanced Materials Research. She holds a PhD in Metallurgy from the University of Cambridge and an MEng degree in Aerospace…

Dr. Krishna Kumar Saxena

Dr. Krishna Kumar Saxena

Krishna Saxena is currently working as a senior FWO postdoctoral fellow in department of mechanical engineering at KU Leuven, Belgium after serving first term as FWO junior postdoctoral fellow. He is also serving as a lecturer at KU Leuven Campus Bruges and Geel. During Nov. 2022 – Feb. 2023, he worked as a visiting assistant…

Dr. Sarah Wolff

Dr. Sarah Wolff

Dr. Sarah Wolff is an assistant professor in the mechanical and aerospace department at the Ohio State University. Her previous roles include an assistant professorship in the industrial and systems engineering department at Texas A&M University and an Enrico Fermi Fellow at Argonne National Laboratory. She graduated from Northwestern University in 2018 with a PhD…